Author Archives: WPlus

W+ Standard: a unique opportunity for project developers

W+ Presentation _Project Developers 2020 The W+ Standard is the first women-specific standard that  measures women’s empowerment in a transparent and quantifiable  manner, gives a monetary value to results and creates a new  channel to direct financial resources to women. This is a unique opportunity for project developers to monetize women’s empowerment activities through a […]

W+ receives UN’s 2016 Momentum for Change Award

The W+ Standard was pleased to be selected as a winner of the United Nation’s 2016 Momentum for Change Awards in the Women for Results category. This video, narrated by Mary Robinson, President of the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice – and former President of Ireland, tells the story of our work to establish the […]

Stepping Up for Climate Action and Women’s Empowerment: Webinar

Verra, W+ Standard, and Wonderbag of South Africa are pleased to announce the application of the joint VCS/W+ Standard certification process to measure emission reductions and women’s empowerment results. Women play an essential role in addressing climate change and ensuring community resiliency. Empowering women is a critical strategy for improving outcomes of climate projects. But […]

#10: Women’s increased access to climate investments

The current global crisis presents a unique opportunity to put climate resilience at the center of the conversation around what is important, and how to build a better future for all. The solutions to build resilience to crisis are linked to the preservation of our earth’s resources, and the stewardship of these. In this podcast […]

#9: Sustainable and inclusive food systems

The current global crisis presents a unique opportunity to put climate resilience at the center of the conversation around what is important, and how to build a better future for all. The solutions to build resilience to crisis are linked to the preservation of our earth’s resources, and the stewardship of these. In this podcast […]

W+ Standard featured in World Bank report on quantifying co-benefits of clean cooking

Improving global cooking conditions is a primary focus of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7, which aims to ‘ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.’ Compared to other SDG 7 targets, however, there has been little progress in expanding access to modern cooking and heating technologies. Nearly 3 billion people still lack […]

# 6: Investments for social and environmental impacts

The current global crisis presents a unique opportunity to put climate resilience at the center of the conversation around what is important, and how to build a better future for all. The solutions to build resilience to crisis are linked to the preservation of our earth’s resources, and the stewardship of these. In this podcast […]

# 5: Capacity development to cope with and adapt to change

Capacity development to cope with and adapt to change In this episode, Colletah Chitsike shares her perspective on the capacities than are needed to cope with change and build resilience. She highlights the importance of participatory approaches such as Women Leadership Circles and mentoring and calls for more resources to be allocated for education and capacity development. […]

#4: Recognizing and supporting women’s organizations

Recognizing and supporting women’s organizations Joining us today on this podcast is Dibya Devi Gurung, a Core Associate of WOCAN, to talk about the role of women’s organizations in building social and climate resilience of communities. She shares her perspective from Nepal and calls for more recognition of the value and contributions of women to […]