What is different about the W+ Standard?
The W+ Standard, created by WOCAN, is the first women-specific standard that measures women’s empowerment in a transparent and quantifiable manner, gives a monetary value to results and creates a new channel to direct financial resources to women.

Provides quantified units (not just statements), that can be monetized through carbon markets, SDG markets, outcome linked funds.

Can be linked to carbon credits as social co-benefit or used as stand-alone

Channels grant funds for adaptation: at least 20% of the revenue from W+ unit sales is provided to local women’s groups to support their self-determined adaptation activities

The results are audited by a third-party independent organization that is certified by the W+ Standard.

How does it work?

Provides metrics for projects and companies to quantify and verify women’s empowerment results within projects and value chains

Generate W+ credits
Translates independently verified results into W+ credits. 10% change in women’s empowerment= 1 W+ credit per beneficiary

Sell W+ credits
Gives monetary value to results. W+ credits can be sold in carbon markets, SDG markets and outcome linked funds

Channel financial resources back to women’s organizations
at least 20% of the revenue goes back to women’s groups for self-determined adaptation activities

What gets measured becomes visible and valued
The W+ Standard measures six domains that are critical for women’s empowerment: Time savings, Income & Assets, Health, Leadership, Education & Knowledge and Food Security. These were determined together with rural women from Nepal and Kenya. Methods were developed to measure and quantify progress for each of these domains.