
The DGM aims to enhance the capacity of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLC), with a focus on women, to play a greater role in the Forest Investment Program (FIP) and REDD+ at national and international levels by:

  • Strengthening the core institutional capacities of IPLC organizations, empowering women-led initiatives through the management of grant-financed projects of their choice, and
  • Amplifying women’s voices and participation in regional and global forums via a global platform for learning and knowledge exchange, cross-regional learning events, and the strengthening of IPLC networks and alliances.




The Global DGM Project’s PDO is to strengthen the capacity of forest-dependent people to participate in local, national, and global REDD+ processes. The DGM aims to address IPLC’s capacity to play a greater role in the FIP and REDD+ at the country and international levels by strengthening capacities at both levels.

DGM country programs are designed and implemented by self-selected representatives from indigenous and local communities to strengthen their capacity to play an informed, active, and invaluable role in sustainable forest management.
Women beneficiaries participated in financial and technical capacity development activities to develop the skills necessary to market their products and improve their income.




Swayam Shikshan Prayog (SSP) has been empowering women who are traditionally at the margin of society and economy into the mainstream of development and governance since 1998. SSP works in low income, climate threatened communities, and has built robust partnership eco-systems that enable women’s social and economic empowerment and leadership in the context of inclusive and sustainable development. In the last decade, SSP has reached out to over 6 million people, and empowered over 200,000 women mostly from farming communities to revitalize their households and local economies in Maharashtra and other States across India.


The wCOREL project promotes community driven resilience and change by women at all levels –households and communities to markets and local governance systems – resulting in sustainable livelihoods and well-being for all women and families. The project is focused on advancing women’s social leadership and community resilience, promoting economic resilience for women’s collectives as farmers, producers and forging inclusive governance and convergence while building partnerships with key stakeholders for sustainability.





The W+ Standard was used to measure women’s benefits in two domains: Income & Assets and Leadership. These were employed to measure the impacts from the Project’s investment that yield benefits to women and their communities through increased incomes, improved skills and access to external resources.

Leadership results: The percentage of change in women’s leadership capabilities from baseline conditions is 40%.

Income & Assets results: The overall percentage of change from baseline conditions is 52%

Education & Knowledge: The percentage of change in Education and Knowledge is 121%






The W+ Standard was used to measure women’s benefits in the following domains:

Results are currently being measured