Incentivizing finance for women’s empowerment
Measure and quantify women’s empowerment while channeling funds directly to women’s groups

Discover the W+ Standard™
The W+ Standard is the only women-specific standard that measures women’s empowerment in a transparent and quantifiable manner, through the analysis of data collected within projects and communities. It provides a market-based mechanism that recognizes and rewards women’s contributions to economies, environments and communities.
It was developed in 2014 by gender and monitoring and evaluation experts and won the UNFCCC Momentum for Change Women for Results Award in 2016.

How does it work?

Provides metrics for projects and companies to quantify and verify women’s empowerment results within projects and value chains

Generate W+ credits
Translates independently verified results into W+ credits. 10% change in women’s empowerment= 1 W+ credit per beneficiary

Sell W+ credits
Gives monetary value to results. W+ credits can be sold in carbon markets, impact and SDG markets

Channel financial resources back to women’s organizations
At least 20% of the sales’ revenue goes back to women’s groups for self-determined climate adaptation and development activities

Women’s empowerment is measured in 6 vital areas. These were identified in consultation with women’s groups from Kenya and Nepal.